
Air Compressor System Planning Guideline

  • 一. 壓力之決定:
    1. 壓力越高,耗電越大。須考慮配管尺寸大小及長度所造成之壓力降,加上使用壓力 即為最下限之壓力。
    2. 列出各種機械之使用壓力,如使用壓力相差太多時,則須購置不同壓力之空壓機或使用增壓機,不可降低壓力使用,增加電費支出。
  • Operation pressure:
    1. The higher operating pressure, the more power consumed.The minimum operating pressure is the working pressure plus the piping loss.Selection of adequate pipe dimension and arrangement should be taken into account.
    2. List required pressure needed of all application for proper compressor selection. If working pressure range is too large, multiple compressors with different working pressures or boosters should be used.Do not regulate high discharge pressure to lower discharge pressure because it will waste energy.
  • 二.場地:
    1. 須寬闊採光良好之場所,以利操做保養。
    2. 溫度低、灰塵少、空氣清淨且通風良好之 場所,室溫應低於 40°C 以下。
  • Site selection:
    1. Location should have adequate spacing and be well lit for ease of maintenance.
    2. Choose a location with low humidity,minimal dust clean air, and good ventilation with room temperature lower than 40°C .
  • 三. 冷卻水與水質:
    1. 冷卻水水溫宜低,配合冷卻水塔做冷卻。
    2. 應注意冷卻水之PH值,應維持在7左右, 以防結垢,增加清理費用。
    3. 應注意冷卻器之冷卻效果,一般而言壓縮 空氣出口溫度應約在 40~45°C 左右。
  • Cooling water:
    1. Low temperature cooling water is preferred. A cooling tower is recommended.
    2. Pay special attention to the PH factor of cooling water.It should be kept around 7.0 to prevent the scale from clogging the copper tube saving maintenance expense.
    3. Pay attention to the heat exchanger's performance.Generally speaking,air outlet temp. of compressed air should be about 40~45°C
  • 四. 機型之選擇:
    1. 計算出總實際使用風量再加上裕量為宜。
    2. 本公司型錄所列之實際排氣量,皆依ISO 1217 測風量設備加以測試證明。
    3. 注意耗能比值,以求省電。
  • Model selection:
    1. Air delivery shown in our catalog meets code specified by ISO 1217.
    2. Add some allowance to the actual consumption you calculate.
    3. Pay attention to compressor's specific power consumption to save energy.
  • 五. 壓縮空氣品質與要求:
    • 壓縮空中含有 100% 相對濕度的大量水分,它對精密儀器、氣動工具、氣動設備、閥、儀錶、管路等造成莫大的傷害,因為水分會造成銹蝕、堵塞儀器、降低成品品質、損壞設備而且損失大量的金錢於修理維護工作,所以加裝壓縮空氣清淨系統確有其必要。如下圖:
  • The quality and requirement of compressed air :
    • The compressed air before condensation contains saturated water vapor which will damage precision instruments,pneumatic equipment,instrumentation,piping,etc.For fear of corrosion,clogging, low air quality,damage to apparatus and increased maintenance cost,it is necessary to install an air filtration system as shown below :